
The little Mexican restaurant sells only two kinds of beef burritos mucho beef sandwich Lucho beef last week the restaurant ordered 16 orders of the single major variety and 22 orders of the double mucho if the restaurant sold $231 worth of beef burritos last weekend and the single mucho kind cost $1 less than the double mucho how much do each type of burrito cost

Accepted Solution

Answer: Cost of a single Mucho beef burrito: [tex]\$5.5[/tex] Cost of a double Mucho beef burrito: [tex]\$6.5[/tex]Step-by-step explanation: The exercise is: "The Little Mexican restaurant sells only two kinds of beef burritos: Mucho beef and Mucho Mucho beef. Last week in the restaurant sold 16 orders of the single Mucho variety and 22 orders of the double Mucho. If the restaurant sold $231 Worth of beef burritos last week and the single neutral kind cost $1 Less than the double Mucho, how much did each type of burrito cost?" Let be "x" the the cost in dollars of a single Mucho beef burrito and "y" the cost in dollars of a double Mucho burrito. Set a system of equations: [tex]\left \{ {{16x+22y=231} \atop {x=y-1}} \right.[/tex] To solve this system you can apply the Substitution Method: 1. Substitute the second equation into the first equation and solve for "y": [tex]16(y-1)+22y=231\\\\16y-16+22y=231\\\\38y=231+16\\\\y=\frac{247}{38}\\\\y=6.5[/tex] 2. Substitute the value of "y" into the second equation and evaluate in order to find the value of "x": [tex]x=6.5-1\\\\x=5.5[/tex]