
The surface inside the circles will be painted green. The surface outside the circles will be painted white. What is the ratio of green paint to white paint you will need to paint these tiles? π : (π – 4) (π – 4): π π2 : (π2 – 4) (π2 – 4): π2

Accepted Solution

The side of a square 12 , the are of a square 12*12=144.
The radius of the circle is  r=3. The area of one circle =πr²= 9π.
Area of 4 circles = 4*9π=36π - Green
Area that are left of the square after the circles would be painted green  is
144-36π - White

Green : White = (36π) : (144-36π)

Green : White = (36π) : (36(4-π))=π:(4-π)
I should be π:(4-π).
But they do not have this choice.
Maybe they typed it incorrectly and it is going to be π:(π-4).