
39 POINTS!! I NEED HELP ASAP!!!!!!! 2 QUESTIONS!!!!!1) the area of a rectangle is 8w + 18. Use your width expression to find the width of the rectangle when w = 1.25 feet. Show your work. 2) The sixth grade band students are selling magazines to raise money for new instruments. As a reward for selling, the students earn points to spend on prizes. Each student gets 25 points to start with, and then they earn an additional 5 points for each magazine they sell. If m represents the number of magazines a student sells, write an expression to represent the total number of points the student has. Determine how many points a student has if they sell 6 magazines. Show your work. Note: the width expression is just the way how you yourself does it, no specific way is required))Thank you.

Accepted Solution

Answer: 1) [tex]A = 28ft^{2}[/tex]2) 55 pointsStep-by-step explanation:1) A= 8w + 18, w=1.25A = 8(1.25) + 18A = 10 + 18A = 28ft^22) 25 points to start with, additional 5 points per magazine they sell, m = number of magazines they selltotal points = 25 + 5mHow many if they sell 6?total = 25 + 5(6)= 25 + 30total = 55